Push notifications

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Push notifications

Working with push notifications


1.Firebase platform from Google is used to send push notifications in Android Virola client app

2.APNs (Apple Push Notification service) platform is used to send push notifications in iOS Virola client app


Below is the detailed scheme of using push notifications in Virola:


Push notifications in Virola

Push notifications in Virola


The following scheme shows how Virola works without push notifications enabled:


Virola without push notifications enabled

Virola without push notifications enabled


What to do if push notifications do not work on mobile devices


To send notifications your server should have access through HTTPs protocol to the following resources:


https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/virola-messenger/messages:send for Android

https://api.push.apple.com for iOS

https://virola.io/pushtoken/api/v1/push_tokens push token


You need to allow them in your Firewall. If you configure Virola server to work within your local infrastructure, then to have push notifications working, you need to allow the links above to access the Internet.