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  Communication process >




Text messaging is supported between all Virola users and in all group chat-rooms. To send a message a user needs to do the following:


1.Open a chat-room (private or group) by clicking on it in the list or create a new private or group chat conversation

2.In the text input area type a message (1)

3.Add an emoticon if necessary (4)

4.Choose message format (2)

5.Select message priority (3)

6.Attach a file if necessary (5)

7.Press "Enter" or click "Send" button (6)


Messaging process

Messaging process


Reply to


To reply a message and have it quoted you need to:

1.Right click on the message

2.Select "Reply" from the context menu

3.After that the quoted message will appear in the text input area, where you can type a response

4.Press "Enter" or "Send" icon to have the message sent


Reply a message

Reply a message


Notifications count


Virola shows the number of unread messages in each chat-room:


Notifications count

Notifications count


The total number of unread messages for all Virola profiles (even if they are not logged into) on the device is displayed in system tray icon on Windows and as badge on icons on Mac OS and iOS:


Notifications in system tray icon on Windows


Message views count


Below the message it is possible to see how many people and who exactly read it. The number next to the "eye" icon shows how many people read it. If you click  on it, you will see who exactly read the message:


Message views count

Message views count


Messages format


The following formats are available for the messages sent in Virola client:


Message format

Message format


1.Plain text. The text without additional formatting is sent

2.HTML. HTML tags can be used to format the text


HTML formatting

HTML formatting

1.HTML formatted text

2.An example of the HTML formatted text in the chat history area

3.Markdown. Markdown syntax is supported for the entered text

4.Code. If you need to send a code in an appropriate font, select this option so that the code was clearly displayed in the chat history area

Example of the message in "Code" format

Example of the message in "Code" format


5.LaTeX. LaTeX markup is supported for writing equations in chat

LaTeX messages type

LaTeX messages type


Messages priority


For any message it is possible to set its priority before sending. Priority helps to display proper notifications for the messages and let the chat participants know if the message is urgent or not.


Message priority

Message priority


Thee types of priority are available for the messages sent in Virola client:






Normal priority is enabled by default for all messages. To change the priority you need to click "Normal" link and select "High" or"Urgent" priority from the list.


High and urgent priority example

High and urgent priority example


Chat-rooms order


Chat-rooms are ordered in the following way:


Chat room status

Chat room status


1.Pinned - chat chat-rooms which were pinned by Virola user

2.Recent - 10 most recent chat-rooms are displayed there

3.Private - the list of private chat-rooms

4.Meetings - the list of group chat-rooms

5.Archived - the list of chat-rooms archived by a user


To pin or archive the chat-room you need to:


1.Right click on a chat-room

2.Select pin or archive


Archive or pin chat room

Archive or pin chat room




You can add emoticons to your messages while typing:


1.Type a message and click "smiley icon" in the text input area


Adding emoticons to chat messages

Adding emoticons to chat messages


2.Select an emoticon and click on it to add to message

3.Send a message


Text message with emoticon

Text message with emoticon