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Virola Messenger and LDAP integration

If your company uses Active Directory with LDAP protocol, you can take advantage of this type of integration with Virola corporate messenger.

LDAP is a TCP/IP network protocol and set of access methods for interfacing and querying directory information.

Directory service is any server that conforms to the X.500 set of standards and supports directory access protocol (LDAP) as part of the standard for interfacing and querying directory service information provided.

Active Directory (AD) is Microsoft's implementation of a directory service that supports the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for querying and accessing data.

OpenLDAP is a free, open-source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) developed by the OpenLDAP Project.

Available functionality

Integration of Virola messenger and LDAP supports the following functionality:

  • User authorization in Virola client in the following format:
    • Username@<>
    • <attribute_name>
  • Import of users with appropriate attributes from Organization Units (OU) of Directory Service to Virola messenger
  • Data synchronization between Virola messenger and Directory server

How this works

To bind Virola messenger with your directory server you need to specify the following details:

  • Your directory server host and port
  • Distinguished name (DN) of the user with extended rights and password. This user will be used to make search in your directory server and import users with appropriate attributes
  • Base DN - the base distinguished name, identifies the entry in the directory from which searches initiated by LDAP clients occur
  • Attribute name for user authentication should be a unique attribute which will be used to identify users in a directory service. E.g. in MS Active Directory userPrincipalName (UPN) attribute is used for this purpose.

Then you need to set Synchronization interval when Virola will bind with your directory server to get updates on your users.

Screenshots of Directory Server options and fields mapping in Virols

Field Mapping section allows linking your directory server attributes with appropriate fields in Virola user profile. The default attributes are already mapped. You can change them by entering your attribute names next to corresponding fields of Virola user profile.

Detailed instructions and information about Virola and LDAP integration are available in our user manual.