Run Virola-server in Docker Container on Arch Linux

  1. Always upgrade your Arch before installing a package
    pacman -Syu
  2. Install Docker Engine on Arch Linux
    sudo pacman -S docker
    sudo systemctl enable docker.service
    sudo reboot
  3. Download the Virola Server Docker Image
    pacman -S wget
  4. Load the Docker Image into Container
    docker load < virola-server-docker-
  5. Run Virola server in Docker
    docker run -it --rm -p 8888:7777/tcp -p 8888:7777/udp -v $HOME/virola-storage:/virola providesupport/virola-server:latest
    • 8888 — the port you want to listen on from the outside and to which the virola client will connect. Can be any valid port number (from 1 to 65535), but must be the same for both TCP and UDP protocols;
    • 7777 — is the port inside the Docker container, which must be 7777 and cannot be changed.
    You may also need to open the TCP and UDP ports in the system firewall.

Note: On first launch, the server will create an admin user with the admin password and administrator rights. Please change the default admin password as soon as possible to a more secure one.

You can change user password from the Virola client. You can also change password of an existing user using the --change-password command line argument of the Virola server.

We strongly recommend to encrypt Linux machine on which Virola server is running. The best way is to encrypt it during Linux installation but it is also possible to encrypt the existing Linux instance. We've prepared a detailed instruction about disc encryption in Linux environment for you.