How to install self-hosted Virola Server on macOS

  1. Download Virola Server installation package for macOS and install it
  2. Use Finder to locate the installed VirolaServer application
  3. Open the application context menu (Ctrl+click or right click) and select "Show Package Contents" there
  4. Locate the executable VirolaServer file inside the package. It is stored in Contents / MacOS directory
  5. Open Terminal
  6. Drag and drop the executable VirolaServer file to the Terminal - the file path will appear in the command line
  7. Choose host and port your server will be running on.
    You may want your Virola Server to be available only from your current macOS machine, from your local network, or from the whole world. Depending on your needs, you may need to adjust your network configuration and choose a specific IP address as the server host. Learn more about this from our article How to make Virola server app publicly accessible on macOS
  8. Add host and port to the file path in Terminal, after a space. Use the following format:
    --listen HOST:PORT
    • HOST - IP address you've chosen for your Virola server
    • PORT - port you've chosen for the your Virola server
    /Applications/ --listen
  9. Run the server by executing the command in Terminal (just press Enter there)
  10. Keep Terminal open

What's next?

To communicate via the installed Virola Server, you will need to install Virola Client:

  1. Open Virola Client downloads page
  2. Download Virola Client installer for macOS
  3. Install the app

Now you can login to Virola Client as the default 'admin' user. Your login credentials are the following:

  • Server Host: the one you've chosen for your server
  • Server Port: the one you've chosen for your server
  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

If you wish to change your default user name and password, you can do this via Virola Client 'hamburger' menu / My User Profile / User Account Settings / Change My User Password.

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