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Virola self-hosted server installation on Windows

There are two ways to configure Virola server after installation:

  • With help of Windows GUI
  • From the command line

Virola self-hosted server configuration with help of GUI

  1. Download Virola server for Windows installation package and install it
  2. During installation keep "Virola server GUI" option checked on the "Select components" step
  3. Launch Virola server GUI
  4. Create a directory for Virola database
  5. Specify your host, port and the path to the database directory in the respective fields
    • HOST is the IP you've chosen for the Virola server
    • PORT is the port you've chosen for the Virola server
    • virola-database-directory is the absolute path to the directory you created on the step 4 for Virola server database
    Screenshot of Virola server for Windows GUI
  6. Click "Start" button

If you want to start Virola server automatically at system startup, do the following:

  1. Click a "gear" icon to open Settings window
  2. Check "Start Virola server at system startup" option
    Screenshot of Virola server for Windows options
  3. Close Settings window

Video tutorial

Find more details about setting up and running Virola server with GUI in our video tutorial:

Please note that some toolbars and icons in this tutorial may differ a bit from the current Virola interface as we constantly improve its functionality and UI.

Virola self-hosted server configuration from the command line

  1. Download Virola server for Windows installation package and install it
  2. During installation uncheck "Virola server GUI" option on the "Select components" step
  3. Create a directory for Virola database
  4. Launch Command Prompt. To find it click Start button and type "cmd" in the search box
  5. In Command Prompt with help of "cd" command navigate to the directory where Virola server was installed
  6. Decide which host and port will be used for the server
  7. Run the server with the following command:
    virola_server_app.exe --listen HOST:PORT --storage-dir virola-database-directory
    • HOST is the IP you've chosen for the Virola server
    • PORT is the port you've chosen for the Virola server
    • virola-database-directory is the absolute path to the directory you created on the step 3
    virola_server_app.exe --listen --storage-dir C:\Virola\Server
  8. Leave Command Prompt open

How to log into Virola client after Virola self-hosted server installation

Login details to Virola Client will be the following:

  • Server Host: the one you specified when running Virola Server
  • Server Port: the one you specified when running Virola Server
  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

You can change admin user name and password later in the Virola Client settings.

Tips and recommendations

  • We strongly recommend to encrypt your Windows machine on which Virola server is running. Modern Windows operating systems have embedded encryption functionality - both device encryption and BitLocker encryption tool. We've prepared a detailed instruction about encryption on Windows for you.
  • Using IP address from the examples above, you'll be able to run Virola server locally on your machine, but it won't be available from your local network or from Internet. To make the server publicly accessible, you will need to use other IPs and make additional adjustments in your machine and network configuration. Learn more about making Virola server publicly accessible.