How to manage shared files
File sharing is one of most frequently used by chat participants feature. Sending files of any formats has become an essential part of any workflow. With Virola corporate messenger you can attach files to any types of messages – plain messages, issues or meetings. In all cases files will be stored permanently unless removed by a user who sent it or Virola account admin or chat room moderator.
How to upload files to chat
Each chat room, no matter private or a group room, has the paperclip button at the top left corner of the message input field. Click it, choose the file you wish to send - and the file will be sent as a new message.

Besides using the paperclip button, you can also copy and paste any file or image from your clipboard into the message input field. You can either right-click in the message input field and select "Paste" to paste the file/image which you previously copied, or you can use the Ctrl+V (Command+V for macOS) shortcut to paste the file.

There is also another way to send a file - simply by dragging and dropping it into the chat room.
You can choose the method you are most familiar and comfortable with or use them interchangeably.

You can either send files as separate messages or attach them to existing ones. Just drag the file to the message you need and drop it there.
The other way is to right click the message and choose "Attach File" option.
And if you have an image copied to your clipboard, right click the message and choose "Attach Image from Clipboard" option.

All files transferred in the chat rooms are stored timelessly, so you can access and download them at any time.
How to search a file

Virola client allows searching by file name. Just click the "looking glass" icon in the chat rooms list toolbar, set the scope of the search (All rooms / Current / Selected) and type full or partial file name. The search will run immediately and show you the first result. Use up and down buttons to navigate through results.
How to download a file
To save a file locally, right-click the file, choose "Save File As..." option and then choose the location on your computer where you want to save the file, and click "Save".
Alternatively, you can just click the file and it will be automatically downloaded to Virola folder in your system Downloads folder.
Downloaded file will be automatically opened with the appropriate app. Executable files will run after user confirmation. Images and video files will be opened with Virola built-in viewer.

How to permanently remove a file

If you would like to delete a file from the conversation, similarly, right-click on the file title and select "Delete Attachment".
Remember that once a file has been deleted, it's gone permanently for all chat room participants.