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Task Board and Issue Tracking in Virola

Make your team progress visible: Organize, plan, deliver faster with agile sprints

Issue tracking in self-hosted Virola messenger

Virola Messenger, in addition to its collaboration features, provides users with an integrated issue tracking and task board to help keep every team member on track. This tool is ideal for both small teams and large enterprises, streamlining project management while boosting collaboration and productivity.

With Virola issue tracking, you can:

Task Board

Virola’s Task Board is very convenient to use tool, where you can track tasks from their first and to final stage.

You can either create personal tasks and use Virola’s task board to visualize your own activities, or you can assign tasks to teammates and monitor progress on Kanban board making it easier to manage workflows and ensure timely completion of the projects.

Task (Kanban) board in self-hosted Virola messenger

With Virola task board you can:

Issue properties

Virola issue life cycle uses a handy agile / scrum terms, which help you to describe your task as accurately as possible. Here are some commonly used terms you can use while setting your issue type:

  • Task - represents any work that needs to be done.
  • Subtask - a smaller part of a lager task. Can be used to split a task to several logical parts and assign them to different people.
  • Bug - an issue in a product that causes unintended behavior or a malfunction, impacting its functionality or user experience.
  • Epic - a large high-level piece of work that encompass several related tasks or user stories that need to be completed incrementally, not in a single sprint.
  • Story - a small, specific unit of work described from the end user's perspective. It can represent a feature or a requirement.
  • Feature Request – a higher-level suggestion for product enhancement or new functionality. Can be broken down into epics, stories, tasks.
  • Merge Request (or pull request) - a proposed code change that implements some feature / bug fix / any other completed piece of work in a separate Git branch.

You can use text, HTML, Markdown, Code, or LaTeX formats to describe tasks as accurately as possible and organize them visually.

Video tutorial

Learn more about issue tracking and task board usage from our video

Please note that some toolbars and icons in this tutorial may differ a bit from the current Virola Client as we constantly improve its functionality and UI.